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Turn Raw Data Into Stunning Visuals

Create content that is both easy to understand and quick to digest.

Get Instant Results With Excel Charts

Visualize your data and make changes in a flash with charts linked to Excel.

Choose From 9500+ Infographics

Fast track your workflow with thousands of professional templates.

Match your Brand Colors Effortlessly

Change the colors, replace the fonts, and add your data in a breeze

Compatible with PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides

Slideloom works wherever you do.

100% Vector Infographic Files Easy to edit

All of the infographics included in the package are full vector files, meaning that they are extremely high quality, remain editable at all times and any element can be changed, at any time.

Don’t Miss Out! Get Unlimited Access Now.

Usually $185/year. TODAY JUST $49 ONE-TIME PAYMENT. Limited Time Only.

See What's Included

Over 9500 Infographics in 260+ popular categories

Yes, It's a One-time Fee. No Monthly Payments!

Usually $185/year. TODAY JUST $49 ONE-TIME PAYMENT. Limited Time Only.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a one-time payment. No monthly/annually membership. With your investment, you’ll be getting ALL our current products plus periodical updates free of charge!

You’ll get your content instantly in your inbox. You can also create an account with us.

Yes they are. Just right click on the element then choose edit data. The excel spreadsheet will pop up and it will automatically enable you to change the values.

The devices are unlimited in any of the licenses as long as the owner of the license is the only one who accesses the account.

PowerPoint, Google Slides and Keynote

We update our library once a week, (sometimes twice!). You’ll get an email. Every update is free!

Ready to Step Up your Presentation Game?